How can you master your speech writing skills?

While students may not like the idea of giving or writing a speech, it is considered one of the most powerful tools used in mass communication. Whether you audience is small or large, a well-written speech can have a huge impact on how your message is received by listeners. Speech writing assignments are given to help students develop their writing and speaking skills. Having a well-written speech requires critical thinking and thorough planning. The following tips may help you devise a plan in creating a good speech prepared.

  • Content that makes up your speech should be of good quality. Meaning, present interesting details without being excessive with the information. Your content should help maintain the attention of the audience.
  • Know the basic parts of a speech: introduction, body and conclusion. Depending on the type of speech this may vary. Note any guidelines given to you by your instructor. A speech can vary in length and topic. The opening and closing parts of a speech should be strong and concise; they help leave a lasting impression.
  • Understand your target audience. This will help you focus on the right type of content to include in your speech. Meaning, you should have your intended audience in mind when you write the speech. The speech should not only help you feel comfortable, but your listening audience should be comfortable with the content as well.
  • Any facts you plan to present should be checked before the speech is given. When you write your speech it helps to have a few facts incorporated to help validate the message you are conveying.
  • Don’t be afraid to make your content emotional. A personal story helps add a human touch but it often depends on the topic and setting in which the speech is being given. Some like to use metaphors and this can be something to consider if you know how to use them in a way your audience understands.
  • Keep your speech short and simple. As previously stated, you may have guidelines to follow from your instructor regarding length required. Keeping the short and simple concept in mind will help you write a speech that will be easier for the audience to comprehend.
  • Complete a practice run of your speech to help give a self-evaluation. You may need to read over your written speech and check for errors in spelling, word usage, and grammar. Record yourself giving the speech or have someone listen to you to see how it sounds in oral form.

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